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I’ve been a little bit crazy getting everything ready to get moved. I have to be out of my place by next Tuesday at midnight yet, I can’t start moving until Sunday, ugh. I’m trying to get rid of as much stuff as possible. It’s a difficult thing for me to do.
I called in some help from my friend Rebecca to advise on getting things packed and organized. Somehow we lost track of the set goal and she started helping me with yet another project. After a while, I just let her go with it as I packed, I couldn’t find my second pair of forceps so it was kind of a one person job for a while.
You might be wondering what the project is… well. I decided a while ago that I was going to start asking people for spare change. I figure it’s a great way to make money. Using my top notch marketing skills I decided the best way to get money from people is to make it look like you don’t need it. My plan starts with a silver platter that has the words “Spare Cash?” spelled out in diamonds.
The next phase of my plan is to get a proper billionaire outfit. I pretty much would like to dress like the dude from the New Yorker

I might actually have to talk to some billionaires to see what the hip styles are. I certainly need a monocle and a cane might be nice.

Initially I wanted to spell out the words “Spare Some Change?” then after doing a gem and time inventory, we decided that “Spare Cash?” would be best. It implies that I’m looking for bills instead of change… It might also be a question though, “Spare Cash?” I’m guessing that when I dress up and ask people for their money they will be lining up to place money on my platter. In no time mountains of cash will be coming my way. It’s well worth the $4,500 I spent of diamonds for this project…
Just kidding, those aren’t really diamonds. It was rhinestones that I spent the $4,500 on.